
Occasional Blogger

I consider myself a bit of a powerhouse when it comes to blogging because I can write multiple entries in a single day. For example, the last time I wrote was in November of last year, meaning there was about a two-month gap. However, when I do feel like writing, I tend to go all in at once, and I’m happy as long as I can share my thoughts.

Lately, I’ve been wondering why I even blog in the first place. And not just that—I’ve gone as far as getting my own domain to keep it going. There are plenty of free blogging services out there, so why do I insist on using a custom domain? Even I don’t fully understand my own reasoning.

By the way, I’ve recently gotten into Tsum Tsum, and I’ve been spending quite a lot of time on it. In the New Year’s Tsum Tsum lottery announced on January 2, I won second prize, which gave me 1 million coins. From there, I went on a coin-collecting spree and managed to amass 5 million coins in just about two weeks.

However, yesterday, I spent all of those coins at once on Premium Boxes. For now, I think I’ll take it easy with Tsum Tsum, as it does cost money, and I need to be mindful of that.

That’s all for now—thank you for reading!
